Sunday 18 May 2014

All About Me

Sooooooo........ as you can see I'm another makeup artist with a blog page. I have been putting this off for months for a couple of reasons
 a) not having enough time to focus on this little project and
 b) I wasn't sure of what to write about.

But I'm biting the bullet and taking a chance.

So to begin with heres a little bit about me. 

I'm a qualified makeup artist and hairdresser. I moved to Sydney 2 and a half years ago to pursue makeup. I'm originally from Tasmania (the small island below mainland Australia, not the country in Africa..... yes some people have been confused)
I have travelled in Europe, lived in Scotland and spent 3 months in South East Asia. It was the best thing I have ever done.  

I love makeup, hair, beauty and all things pretty. I love helping others and teaching them all about hair, makeup etc, so that's what I plan to do with this blog educate and share pretty things

And if you haven't seen me on Instagram yet, come follow me on there at @claudaciousmakeup
Or on facebook Claudacious Makeup

Hope you enjoy 

Until next time xo

♥ Claudia

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