Wednesday 28 May 2014

Basic Contouring

Contouring the face can be scary.......When I first started getting into makeup a few years ago I avoided it like the plague. I then became confident contouring others just not myself, but I have slowly got there and now I am obsessed with blushes, highlighters and bronzers.

Bronzers: I haven't always been a fan of bronzers. I think that came down to incorrect colour and application. After trial and error on a few different types (powders, liquids, creams) I am more comfortable now with them.
I like using a matte powder bronzer. I apply with it with an angled brush (I get a nicer definition) 
I suck my cheeks in and apply to the hollows of my cheeks and blend up to my hairline and around my temples.

Blush: I apply my blush on the apples of my cheeks (you can find your apples by smiling and it's the chubbiest part of your cheek) then blend it up between the hollows of the cheek and the cheekbone. It's important to apply this lightly and correctly. You don't want to look like you have stepped back to the 80s with strong harsh blush line up the side your face (YIKES). Blush is meant to look soft and natural like you have a natural glow

Highlighter: I use a powder highlighter but i also like a liquid one. I wear a highlighter on my cheekbone. You can apply ii on areas where the sun would naturally hit, but I am keeping this post sweet and simple and will do another post soon on contouring the whole face.

Until next time xoxo

Saturday 24 May 2014

Basic Makeup Base Application

I have written this in the steps I do to apply my base for my makeup. I have explained what I use and why. I have included some of the products I use also. All drugstore products and all affordable..... Hope you enjoy x

1. Primer: This is my absolute MUST have when applying makeup. Without it my pores look bigger, my foundation doesn't stay on and it just doesn't give me a flawless finish.
A lot of people will skip this step and I have heard all the excuses. It takes about 20 seconds to apply and I would rather take 20 seconds in the morning to apply a primer than spend time later in the day reapplying my foundation. 

2. Foundation: I prefer a full coverage foundation or one that has a buildable coverage. I have freckles (a lot of people don't know because I cover them) I apply with a foundation brush and blend,blend blend. Don't forget to blend down your neck. No one wants to see a line around your jawline

3. Concealer: I use a liquid base concealer with a yellow tone to it. I find this to help with covering dark spots and brightens under my eyes. I apply using my ring finger to dab the product over the area this way you will have control over the concealer and be able to use little product and get the benefits from it as apposed to rubbing it over the area. Rubbing moves the product around and doesn't let it focus on the the exact area.

Powders: I like to use 2 powders. I use a coloured pressed powder and a loose translucent powder because I get an oily T zone. Setting a liquid foundation with a pressed powder all over will add a bit of colour to my face, take away any shine and help get maximum wear from my foundation. I then apply a small amount of loose powder over my T zone. This helps with keeping the shine away.

hope you have found this to be helpful. I will be posting my basic highlighting/contouring routine in a few days 

Until next time xox

Sunday 18 May 2014

All About Me

Sooooooo........ as you can see I'm another makeup artist with a blog page. I have been putting this off for months for a couple of reasons
 a) not having enough time to focus on this little project and
 b) I wasn't sure of what to write about.

But I'm biting the bullet and taking a chance.

So to begin with heres a little bit about me. 

I'm a qualified makeup artist and hairdresser. I moved to Sydney 2 and a half years ago to pursue makeup. I'm originally from Tasmania (the small island below mainland Australia, not the country in Africa..... yes some people have been confused)
I have travelled in Europe, lived in Scotland and spent 3 months in South East Asia. It was the best thing I have ever done.  

I love makeup, hair, beauty and all things pretty. I love helping others and teaching them all about hair, makeup etc, so that's what I plan to do with this blog educate and share pretty things

And if you haven't seen me on Instagram yet, come follow me on there at @claudaciousmakeup
Or on facebook Claudacious Makeup

Hope you enjoy 

Until next time xo

♥ Claudia