Sunday 21 September 2014

Bondi Sands Self Tanning Foam Review

Summer is fast approaching and I can't wait. Sun, beaches, summer, clothes, and warmer weather. But for people like me who are so pale that when we are out in the sun we burn and go bright red and peel. Summer can be a nightmare. I wear sunscreen whenever I am outside to protect my skin from sun damage.

 I use to envy the girls with the golden tan.......Until a friend introduced me to Bondi Sands fake tan.

So I have now been using Bondi Sands Light/Medium Self Tanning Foam for over a year now and I haven't looked back.

The Bondi Sands foam is great for people like me (Non tan experts) Easy to apply, colour is amazing and smells so good.

This tan is blue/green based so there will never be an issue with an orange oompa loompa look about you  Even when the tan is developing I can go out and not feel like everyone is looking at me and knows that I have "just" faked tan. I also love the fact that I can apply 2 light coats of the tan sit in my dressing gown apply my makeup and then get dressed for work and the tan is dry (just avoid light coloured clothes while the tan is developing) A big bonus is the smell. It has a really nice scent of coconuts, my boyfriend has told me the smell reminds him of his Nan's biscuits.


I shave my legs the day before and exfoliate
It's important to remove any dead skin before applying fake tan so it doesn't look patchy and looks even and flawless. Just avoid an oil based exfoilater as the oil can create a layer between the tan and your skin making it harder for the tan to grab.


I apply two pumps of the foam onto my tanning glove and then using circular motions I blend onto my skin. I normally like to start with my legs and work upwards. I only choose my legs first so they dry quicker so I can then sit down sooner after I apply it.
Apply a light coat all over legs, leave the knees to last and use whatever is left on the glove to rub over the knees. The knees, elbows ankles, feet and hands are the driest areas of the body and will soak up more tan which will make them darker
I wait an few minutes until the first layer is almost dry and apply another coat.


I find the foam dries quiet quickly I wait at least half an hour before applying clothes but I wear a dressing gown around the house while it dries.
 Best thing about this product is that the colour is instant and for a light natural tan it can be washed off after an hour or left for up to 6 for a darker longer lasting tan.


So I normally like to apply this first thing after my shower in the morning and then wash it off at the end of the day. Or I apply it at night and wash it off the next morning. I wash it off and use a body wash to remove any excess. When I get out of the shower I pat myself dry and then apply a hydrating moisturiser all over my body.
I make sure I moisturise morning and night while I have fake tan on ( I use St Ives 24 Hour Deep Restoring with Almond Oil)


Bondi Sands Foam for me wears really well. It can look a little patchy in some areas after about 4-5 days but mostly in areas like my cleavage or under my arms, so not obvious areas like my arms stomach and legs. It fades evenly and then I soak in baby oil and exfoliate the rest off.


This is Australian made
Comes in a 200ml Pump bottle
Very affordable at $19.99 at Priceline (but they do have it on special a lot)

Until next time

PS to keep up to date with products I'm loving, wearing or different makeup looks

 you can find me on Instagram: @claudaciousmakeup


  1. Hi, what shade foundation do you use? Also this was very helpful!

  2. As the oil can create a layer between the tan and your skin making it harder for the tan to grab.Tanning
